Research unit
Lead researcher
Julie Côté, Acting Director, ExperiSens
Émilie Boutet-Fauteux (ITHQ)
True Impact
True Impact is a neuromarketing research and strategy firm that helps brands build loyalty and gain customers. The company uses neuroscience and biometric technologies to quantify human emotion toward advertising. By measuring brain and body reactions, True Impact can determine current customer interest and offer recommendations to improve it.
In order to adapt this technology to the tourism industry, True Impact called upon the expertise of ExperiSens’ research team to evaluate whether this technology could be successfully adapted to the hotel industry.
The project focussed on the use of an eye-tracking system, a device that captured the attention centre of study participants when faced with a set of travel industry advertising images. The objective is to increase the efficiency and accuracy of the device’s predictive algorithm and to reduce false detections.
Funding sources
Partnership Engage Grant – Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Sensory marketing, consumer neuroscience, travel agency, human emotion, advertising, eye-tracking system, eye tracking, tourism