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Cocktail hour package

To celebrate life’s events, big or small

From $94 per person

The ITHQ offers a tailored formula for your office parties or celebrations with friends. Featuring Québec’s finest products, our chef’s gourmet hors d’oeuvres will surprise and delight your guests!  


  • One glass of sparkling wine per person
  • Half-bottle of wine per person (sommelier’s choice)
  • Coffee, tea and herbal tea

Savoury canapés (4 per person, chosen by our chef)

For example:

  • Saumon gravlax, crème fraîche, laitue de mer, concombre (sur pain de seigle)
  • Tataki de cerf, crème sure à la berce laineuse, armillaire mariné (sans gluten)
  • Cromesquis de porc du Québec, graines de moutarde marinées, aneth
  • Pressé de courge musquée, argousier, tuile de graines de citrouille (végétalien)
  • Feuilleté aux champignons sautés, purée de cresson (végétarien)

Québec cheese station

  • Variety of cheeses
  • Dried fruit and nuts
  • Bread from the Aube bakery

Charcuterie station

  • Local deli meats
  • Homemade marinade and a variety of condiments
  • Bread from the Aube bakery

Fish station (+ $26)

  • Variété de poissons crus, fumés et marinés

Sweet canapés (3 per person, chosen by our chef)

  • Chou croustillant, crème mousseline à l’érable, pacanes
  • Brownie fondant au chocolat Guayaquil
  • Macarons aux saveurs variées

  • Rental of the venue is free of charge for all groups of 40 or more with any of our package options.
  • Fees, tips, and taxes are not included in the prices.
  • Menus are subject to change without notice. 
  • If you have any allergies or food intolerances, please advise us by email at least one week before the event.