This colourful and flavourful evening, featuring the finest products from Québec alongside the creativity, talent and professionalism of the students in the Cuisine supérieure and Formation internationale en service et sommellerie programs, is guaranteed to astound and delight.
Proceeds from the evening will support the ITHQ’s priority projects, specifically, the Fonds de soutien à l’entrepreneuriat.
In the kitchen
Graduates of the Cuisine Supérieure program, fresh from their 12-week internship abroad, will each prepare a “coup de cœur” dish selected from the menus of the gourmet establishments that hosted them.
At food and wine service
Graduates of the Formation internationale en service et sommellerie program, just returning from a 12-week internship in the vineyards and high-end restaurants of France, will be putting their newly-acquired knowledge and expertise to work in service and sommellerie.
Event details
Next edition
September 2025 – more information to come