The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English-language content.

The Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ) is committed to making the information published on its website as accessible as possible. Web accessibility enables people with particular challenges to access the information available on a site. It also helps to overcome technical constraints in order to facilitate browsing.

With this in mind, most of the content and main functionalities of this website are accessible and comply with the applicable standards of the Standard sur l’accessibilité des sites web (SGQRI 008 2.0).

At the time of the launch of this new version of the website, certain elements are still being evaluated and may therefore present obstacles to accessibility, namely certain PDF and other downloadable documents.

Our team continues to work on improving accessibility in line with the Plan d’action triennal à l’égard des personnes handicapées de l’ITHQ (in French only). Comments and suggestions from the website’s users also help upgrade its accessibility. Please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] to let us know about potential improvements.

Please note that the ITHQ cannot guarantee the accessibility of third-party content.

Validation tools

The ITHQ performs its accessibility tests using the following tools:


  • Chrome

Additional tools

  • NVDA screen reader
  • Contrast checking tool: Wave
  • HTML Validator
  • Chrome DevTools
  • CSS Peeper

Supported devices, operating systems and web browsers

The ITHQ website has been designed to work with the mobile devices, tablets and computers most commonly used by visitors.

Our team is constantly working to ensure that the website is functional on the latest versions of major manufacturers’ operating systems, devices and computers.

Site support and improvement

If you are having trouble navigating this site or consulting a document, please contact us at [email protected].

You can also help us improve the accessibility of this site by notifying us of any difficulties you encounter at the same address.