The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English-language content.

In accordance with the Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information and in order to provide greater transparency to citizens, public bodies are required to post the following documents and information on their websites.

Access to information request

  • By law, you may make an access to information request to a public body to obtain a copy of an administrative record.
  • Before submitting an access to information request, it is best to check whether the information or document you are seeking has already been published. 
  • The Document classification plan (in French only) can help you identify the documents you want to have a copy of and thus help you write your request. 

To make an access to information request or obtain a copy of an administrative document, please contact the person in charge for access to information requests:

Me Déwi Collin

Secrétariat général

Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ)
3535, rue Saint-Denis

Montréal (Québec)  H2X 3P1


514-282-5111, ext. 4507
[email protected]

NumberPurpose of requestDate of transmissionDate of disseminationDocuments sent
2015-01Documents submitted to the Conseil du trésor upon completion of program evaluation work under the Directive concernant l’évaluation de programme dans les ministères et les organismes2015-07-302015-08-05Decision (in French only)
2015-02Documents related to outsourcing of information resources, call centres and workforce2015-08-132015-08-20Decision (in French only)
Documents (in French only)
2016-01Documents related to a request concerning the ITHQ’s workforce2016-02-032016-02-25Decision (in French only)
2016-02Documents related to administrative performance indicators from 2009 to 20152016-02-022016-03-29Decision (in French only)
2016-03Request for suppliers in the last 24 months2016-03-162016-04-05Decision (in French only)
2016-04Transmission of their file to a student2016-02-252016-03-02Decision (in French only)
2016-05Documents submitted regarding a service provider2016-04-052016-04-13Decision (in French only)
2016-06Documents relating to performance-related bonuses received by certain employees2016-07-262016-08-05Decision (in French only)
2016-07Documents concerning the working conditions of the Director of the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec, the Honourable Liza Frulla, as well as those concerning her predecessor, Ms. Lucille Daoust2016-08-182016-08-31Decision (in French only)
2017-01Request concerning a possible link between the ITHQ and property management companies2016-12-232017-01-13Decision (in French only)
2017-02Request for a job description2017-03-302017-04-18Decision (in French only)
2017-03Request regarding the working conditions of the General Director, the Honourable Liza Frulla2017-10-192017-10-26Decision (in French only)
2017-04Issues related to the ITHQ’s human resources2017-10-252017-11-14Decision (in French only)
2017-05Request for travel contracts and permits from the Ville de Montréal for building renovations2017-11-302017-12-14Decision (in French only)
2018-01Documents related to the employee assistance program services for ITHQ staff2018-01-102018-02-08Decision (in French only)
2018-02Documents related to various ITHQ suppliers2018-01-292018-03-21Decision (in French only)
2018-03Documents related to certain hotels2018-03-272018-04-06Decision (in French only)
2018-04Request to know the salary of certain staff members2018-08-202018-08-31Decision (in French only)
2018-05Request concerning the working conditions of certain staff members2018-08-202018-09-19Decision (in French only)
2018-06Request for working conditions2018-08-312018-09-27Decision (in French only)
2020-01Application for administrative matters from 2015 to 20192020-03-032020-03-09Decision (in French only)
2021-01Compliance analysis report for public tender DB23248, Maintenance of electrical, mechanical and gas installations of the building and its equipment2021-01-222021-01-29Decisions (in French only) 
Documents (in French only) 
2021-02Request for financial proposals, contracts and invoices related to a document management software2021-02-112021-02-16Decisions (in French only)
Documents (in French only) 
2021-03Request to obtain the ITHQ conservation schedule2021-04-012021-04-07Decision (in French only)
2021-04Request for all records pertaining to the salaries (compensation, wages, benefits, expenses) of senior executives from January 1, 2010 to and including the date of receipt of the request, categorized by type of expense and by individual member2021-06-072021-06-14Decision (in French only)
2021-05Request for information on the number of staff members within the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec who received an annual salary in excess of $100,000, the average salary of said members, as well as the highest and lowest salary of said members, with the data segregated according to whether said employees are part of the institution or within an organization under the institution and, if so, with an indication of which organization they report to2021-08-202021-08-26Decision  (in French only)
Document (in French only)
Document (in French only)
2021-06Request for data on the representation of Black community members among the ITHQ staff2021-10-262021-10-28Decision (in French only)
Document (in French only)
2021-07Request for access to documents relating namely to the reclassification2021-11-112021-12-02Decision (in French only)
Documents (in French only)
2022-01Request for a copy of all contracts signed between ITHQ and Educ’alcool, between ITHQ and Illuxi, and between ITHQ and Amplio Stratégies, for the years 2021 and 2022, related to the production of the “Service Action” training project2022-03-152022-03-23Decision (in French only)
2022-02Request to obtain various information as to the measures implemented by ITHQ to prevent and combat sexual violence, as well as the number of complaints and reports received each year and the number of interventions carried out each year, since 20172022-05-092022-05-10Decision (in French only)
2022-03Request for the last five years of annual financial reports2022-07-052022-07-07Decision (in French only)
2023-01Request for a complete copy of the study on food or eating habits in CHLSDs2023-08-18
Decision (in French only)
Request to obtain documents held by the Hôtel de l’ITHQ and the ITHQ2024-01-09
Decision (in French only)
Document (in French only)
2024-02Request to obtain documents relating to the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information2024-03-252024-03-27Decision (in French only)
Document (in French only)
2025-02Use of “TP-Link Technology Co.” routers by the ITHQ
2025-02-112025-02-14Decision (in French only)
Document (in French only)

Section 22 of the Act respecting contracting by public bodies states that contracts over $25,000 must be published.

Tender notices and documents are posted on the Système électronique d’appels d’offres du gouvernement du Québec.

As provided for in section 21.0.3 of the Act respecting contracting by public bodies effective May 25, 2019:

To find out the indemnities, allowances and annual salaries of senior ITHQ employees, visit the Government of Québec’s Access to Information and protection of personal information website.

Visit the Expenditure information page.

Reports are available under Publications and official texts.

The ITHQ does not produce any public registers.

You may consult the normative documents that guide the ITHQ in its decision-making process regarding the rights of its clientele under Publications and official texts.

No draft regulations have been published.

The ITHQ has not made any financial commitments to the financial controller.

Protection of personal information

In accordance with the law, you may make a request to review the personal information collected about you and, if appropriate, request that it be amended.

The ITHQ establishes and maintains an inventory of the personal information files it holds in accordance with the provisions of section 76 of the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information.

Direction générale

Direction générale exécutive

Affaires étudiantes (Centre d’aide à la réussite, vie étudiante et stages)

Direction des études professionnelles et techniques

Direction des études universitaires et de la recherche 

Bureau des diplômés

Centre d’expertise 

Hôtel, restaurants et réunions et événements 

Direction des communications

Direction des finances 

Service de l’approvisionnement

Direction des ressources humaines 

Pursuant to the provisions of section 67.3 of the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information (R.S.Q., chapter A-2.1), the ITHQ makes public certain information concerning the communication of personal information without the consent of the person concerned.

To consult or rectify a file containing personal information, please contact the person responsible for the protection of personal information:

Me Hugo Métivier

Secrétariat général

Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ)
3535, rue Saint-Denis

Montréal (Québec)  H2X 3P1


514-282-5111, ext. 4507
[email protected]

See also

Any questions?

[email protected]
or toll-free at 1-800-361-5111

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