Research unit
Research interests
- Development of disciplinary expertise
- Cognitive models of learning and cognitive workload
- Device for collecting psychophysiological data in an authentic environment
- Effects of feedback on performance and learning
Chef by trade, Guillaume Sparks-Beaulé has been teaching management and cooking at the ITHQ since 2018. He is currently completing a Master’s degree in specialized education and training at the Université du Québec à Montréal while working as a research assistant and teaching assistant.
He is particularly interested in educational neuroscience to better understand the cognitive mechanisms underlying learning and their impact on performance as well as the development of disciplinary expertise. Based on the importance of designing data collection devices that respect the context of use of the emerging data, his research focusses on the overlay of behavioural and psychophysiological data in an authentic learning environment.
Current research projects
- Relation entre les différents niveaux de rétroaction et la charge cognitive d’étudiants en cuisine en atelier pratique
Book chapter
Sparks-Beaulé, G. (2020). Si une image vaut mille mots, pourquoi la décrire? [Témoignage]. In Beaupré, S., Lefebvre, J., and de Champlain, Y. (ed.). L’analyse réflexive en enseignement professionnel et technique : De la théorie à la pratique. Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Research report
Sparks-Beaulé, G. (2017). Guide de stratégies d’apprentissage inclusives. Soutien à la réussite scolaire des étudiantes et étudiants en situation de handicap ou ayant des besoins particuliers. Cégep de St-Jérôme.