Research unit
Research interests
- Audiovisual and interactive experiences
- Immersive experiences
- Affect and emotions
Andréane Morin-Simard has been a research professional at ExperiSens since 2024.
She holds a master’s degree in film studies from the Université de Montréal, a bachelor’s degree in film studies and comparative literature from the Université de Montréal, and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM).
With over 14 years of experience in the research and teaching fields specializing in the creative industries, Andréane has contributed to a number of research projects at the Université de Montréal’s LUDOV and CinéMédias laboratories, focussing primarily on video games and cinema. As part of her master’s and doctoral studies, she conducted research on the role of music in the experience of narrative and interactive media. She has also taught as a lecturer for the Minor in video game studies at Université de Montréal.
Drawing on her expertise in audiovisual and tactile experiences, Andréane takes a particular interest in the affective and sensory dimensions of the tourist experience.
Current research projects
- Active living and social inclusion implementation for the elderly or people with reduced mobility using technology (co-researcher)
- Profile development of tourist clientèle who travel with their dog (head researcher)
- Room fragrance design to upgrade the multisensory experience within a hotel environment (head researcher)
Peer-reviewed publications
Morin-Simard, A. (2019). Mémoire et affect dans les recontextualisations multimédiatiques de chansons populaires : autour de Fortunate Son de CCR (1969), Intermédialités, 33.
Perron, B., Montembeault, H., Morin-Simard, A., & Therrien, C. (2019). The Discourse Community’s Cut: Video Games and the Notion of Montage. Intermedia Games – Games Intermedia: Video Games and Intermediality, Jeff Thoss and Michael Fuchs (eds.), Bloomsbury.
Maheux, F., and Morin-Simard, A. (with the collaboration of Bernard Perron and Dominic Arsenault). (2014). Les jeux vidéo au coeur de l’art, de la société et de la culture. Variations, no. 1, Musée de la civilisation à Québec, Objets et Savoirs.
Books and chapters
Morin-Simard, A. (2017). Du leitmotiv horrifique à la chanson populaire : recontextualisations musicales dans American Horror Story. In Télé en séries, Marie-Christine Lambert-Perreault, Jérôme-Olivier Allard, Elaine Després, and Simon Harel (eds.), XYZ éditeur, Montreal.
Morin-Simard, A. (2016). Gamers (Don’t) Fear the Reaper: Musical Intertextuality and Interference in Video Games. In Contemporary Research on Intertextuality in Video Games, Christophe Duret, and Christian-Marie Pons (eds.), Information Science Reference, Hershey, PA.
Scientific conferences and seminars
Morin-Simard, A. (2017). (Music), broadcasting and (co)presence in Alan Wake and Call of Duty: Black Ops”, as part of the “Immersion en/jeux” Study Day organized by students in the video games and gamification concentration of the Master’s in Communication at the Université du Québec à Montréal, May 2017.
Morin-Simard, A. (2016). From Popular Music to Video Games: Genre under the Scope of Discourse Communities, as part of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Videogame Studies. Calgary Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Calgary, June 2016.
Morin-Simard, A. (2016). The Discourse Community’s Cut: Video Games and the Notion of Montage”, as part of the Annual Conference of the Film Studies Association of Canada. Calgary Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Calgary, May-June 2016.
Morin-Simard, A. (2015). “I Ain’t No Fortunate One”: Popular Music, Circulation and Cultural Value in Video Games, as part of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Video Game Studies. Calgary Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Ottawa, June 2015.
Morin-Simard, A. (2015). Les genres vidéoludiques au coeur de l’imaginaire des communautés de discours, in collaboration with Hugo Montembeault, Guillaume Roux-Girard, and Bernard Perron, as part of the FIGURA International Colloquium Les imaginaires de la communauté. Université du Québec à Montréal, March 2015.
Morin-Simard, A. (2015). From Attunement to Interference: A Typology of Musical Intertextuality in Video Games, in collaboration with Dominic Arsenault, as part of the North American Conference on Video Game Music. Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, January 2015.
Morin-Simard, A. (2014). Video Game History as a Challenge to Video Game Theory: A Study of the Formal Aspects and Reception of Video Game Genres, in collaboration with Bernard Perron, Dominic Arsenault, Guillaume Roux-Girard, and Hugo Montembeault, as part of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Video Game Studies. Congress of the Humanities, Brock University, Saint Catharines, May 2014.
Morin-Simard, A. (2014). Du leitmotiv horrifique à la chanson populaire : reprises musicales dans American Horror Story”, as part of the Colloque Télé en série : De la fascination populaire à l’observation critique. Université de Montréal, May 2014.
Morin-Simard, A. (2013). “Eye of the Tiger” : réappropriations de la chanson populaire au cinéma et à la télévision », as part of the Colloque Effet de distance(s). Université de Montréal, November 2013.
Morin-Simard, A. (2013). Interférence musicale dans les médias audiovisuels : réflexion autour d’ « In Dreams » de Roy Orbison, as part of the Colloque (in)dépendances de l’image : philosophie, devenirs et intoxications. Université de Montréal, May 2013.
Morin-Simard, A. (2010). Ludicine Research Squad – No Missing in Action, in collaboration with Bernard Perron, Martin Picard, Guillaume Roux-Girard, and Carl Therrien, as part of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Video Game Studies. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Concordia University, Montreal, May 2010.
Editorial roles & responsibilities
Montembeault, H., Morin-Simard, A., Ray, J-C., Thériault, P., & Perron, B. (2019). Kinephanos, Splendeur(s) et misère(s) des genres vidéoludiques, special issue.
Laurin, H. & Morin-Simard, A. (2016), Connectivités musicales et médiatiques : pratiques, circulation, interactions, Kinephanos, 6(1).