Research unit
Lead researcher
Julie Côté, Director, ExperiSens
- Julien Mercier (UQAM)
- Salomé Jean-Denis (ITHQ)
Association Hôtellerie Québec (AHQ)
This research aims to optimize the various methods that allow to measure customer emotions generated by new products, services or processes in the context of a hotel room.
The study also seeks to determine the multisensory features that enhance customer perception of well-being in hotel rooms according to their profile.
Finally, it aspires to draw up an inventory of the key multisensory factors and stimuli related to the construction of the customer experience, positive or negative, on which the hotelier can have an influence.
Funding sources
Strengthening College Innovation (SCI) through the College and Community Innovation (CCI) Program – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Real-life measurements, sensory analysis, biometrics, behaviour, perception, cognitive psychology, customer experience, hospitality industry, tourism
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