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Having a hard time making a choice? Compare up to 3 programs to find the one that’s the best fit for you
To help you, here are the programs most often compared to each other.
Compare theses programs: Cuisine et gastronomie, Cucina Italiana, Cuisine supérieure.
Technical programs
Compare theses programs: Techniques de tourisme, Techniques de gestion hôtelière, Gestion d’un établissement de restauration.
Hotel management
Compare theses programs: Techniques de gestion hôtelière, Baccalauréat en gestion du tourisme et de l’hôtellerie, Applied Bachelor in Hospitality and Hotel Management.
Compare theses programs: Baccalauréat en gestion du tourisme et de l’hôtellerie, Applied Bachelor in Hospitality and Hotel Management, Certificate in Hospitality Management and Customer Experience Design.
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