What is netiquette?
- Netiquette is the set of rules of conduct and politeness governing the behaviour of Internet users in the social media of the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ) and its services.
- It is important to read them before expressing yourself on one of our social platforms.
- The ITHQ promotes harmonious, constructive and profitable exchanges for all.
- Users who do not respect the rules described in this netiquette may have their comments refused and their access privileges to the ITHQ social platforms suspended.
- The ITHQ reserves the right to modify this netiquette at any time, without prior notice.
- The ITHQ encourages Internet users to freely express their ideas while showing courtesy and respect. They are invited to write comments and give feedback to contribute to a healthy and enriching discussion.
- The ITHQ will answer questions from Internet users during normal business hours of between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (EST), Monday to Friday, except for statutory holidays.
- Comments and questions from the media will be directed to the organization’s public relations and media relations staff. Please note that all media inquiries can be directed to [email protected].
- The ITHQ refuses any illegal, inappropriate, obscene, offensive, defamatory, racist, abusive, discriminatory, insulting language or comments unrelated to its activities. The same applies to discriminatory statements namely based on race, gender, religion, nationality, language or sexual orientation, as well as those inciting hatred or violence.
- The ITHQ will reject such comments and may block access to its authors, if necessary, at its sole discretion and without notice.
- Comments that are deemed offensive or objectionable and that use vulgar, abusive or malicious language will also be deleted.
- No exchange should lead to quarrels or personal attacks between several speakers.
- Publicity, personal or commercial advertisings and calls for mobilization in any form are prohibited and will be removed without notice.
- Comments not related to the subject of the publications will be hidden or deleted.
- The ITHQ reserves the right to comment and correct any inaccurate or misleading information.
- No exchange is anonymous.
- A comment from an anonymous avatar or a pseudonym will be automatically removed.
- No impersonation is tolerated. The ITHQ reserves the right to delete a comment if there is any doubt as to the identity of its author.
- The comments expressed are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not reflect the position of the ITHQ.
- The ITHQ’s social media exchanges are public.
- No comment should disclose personal information of the author or others.
- The ITHQ is required to respect the confidentiality of the information it receives. A comment that does not respect these rules will be deleted in order to protect the privacy of Internet users.
- To avoid spamming, users should not post the same comment more than once.
- Internet users must ensure that they respect copyright and intellectual property rights when they post comments or share documents, photos or videos on the ITHQ platforms.
- The ITHQ reserves the right to remove comments that do not respect these rules.
- The ITHQ reserves the right to edit content shared by a user for length or clarity.
- Hyperlinking is allowed in a comment, as long as it leads to a website or article directly related to the topic of the conversation. The ITHQ is not responsible for content of these websites.
- No comments with multiple hyperlinks will be tolerated.
- The ITHQ reserves the right to delete comments if they contain hyperlinks to websites whose authenticity or credibility cannot be verified.
- We cannot address a specific case or issue, whether it is an inquiry, complaint, or follow-up related to any of our services or academic programs on any social media platform.
- Formal complaints can be sent by email to [email protected].
- The information provided in our pages has no legal value and does not replace official communications, laws or regulations that take precedence.
- For more information, visit the Citizen service statement page.